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Akathist to King David

13 Dec 2024

Kontakion 1

With hymns and psalms let us honor the Holy King David, who of all the sons of Israel was chosen by God to reign over His elect, and through his seed, gave rise in the flesh to the Messiah, our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ; and let us say to him: As you were delivered from Hades by our Redeemer at His Glorious Resurrection, and stands now with boldness before the Throne of His Divine Majesty, teach us to sing to Him a new song, that we may cry to you: Rejoice!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His praises! 

Ikos 1

When Saul, the King of Israel, disobeyed the command of God, and the Lord rejected him from being King, He sent His high priest, the Holy Prophet Samuel, to Bethlehem of Judah, where he took David, the least among the sons of Jesse, from among the flocks of the fields, and anointed him King with a horn of oil, so that the Spirit of the Lord came upon the holy youth. Wherefore, mindful of his humility and favor before the Lord, we cry to him:

Rejoice, you did not walk in the counsel of the ungodly;

Rejoice, you did not stand in the way of sinners!

Rejoice, your will was in the law of the Lord;

Rejoice, in His law you meditated day and night!

Rejoice, you were established as King by God;

Rejoice, you proclaimed His Commandments!

Rejoice, you served the Lord with fear;

Rejoice, you rejoiced in Him with trembling!

Rejoice, the Lord was your Helper and glory;

Rejoice, when you cried to Him, He heard you!

Rejoice, God destroyed all who without cause were your enemies;

Rejoice, His blessing was ever upon you, who put your trust in Him!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises! 

Kontakion 2

When the Spirit of God departed from King Saul, the Lord permitted an evil spirit to trouble him. Then the servants of the King counseled him to seek a skillful harp player, that whenever the demon would assail him, the sweet music of the harp would drive it off. Wherefore, Saul dispatched a messenger to Jesse in Bethlehem, saying: "Send me David, your son, who is with the sheep." And whenever the evil spirit vexed the King, David would take his harp and play; and Saul was refreshed, and the demon departed from him, so that he cried: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 2

In those days, the idolatrous Philistines, enemies of God's people, gathered their armies together to destroy Israel, and chief among their hosts was Goliath of Gath, a giant in stature, who challenged the mighty warriors of Saul's army to a single combat; but in their intense fear at the sight of Goliath, they fled from before his face. Yet though he was but a youth, David went forth to meet the enemy, taking up five smooth stones and his shepherd's sling, and hit the ungodly warrior with a blow to the forehead, so that he fell dead upon the earth. Wherefore, we cry to him: Rejoice!

Rejoice, you went forth against the enemy in the name of the Lord of Hosts;

Rejoice, you brought him low in the name of the God of the armies of Israel, Whom he had defied!

Rejoice, the Lord delivered him into your hands;

Rejoice, you destroyed him as he blasphemed the living God.

Rejoice, through you all the people knew that the Lord saves not with sword and spear;

Rejoice, for the battle was the Lord's and He gave it into your hands!

Rejoice, seeing their champion fallen, the enemies of God's people fled;

Rejoice, the Philistines were driven out of Judah and Israel!

Rejoice, you broke asunder the bonds of the foe;

Rejoice, you cast away their yoke from the people of the Lord!

Rejoice, the righteous wrath of God was kindled against His enemies;

Rejoice, the Lord wrought a great salvation for all Israel!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 3

When the Holy David returned from slaying the enemy of the Lord, the women of Israel came forth and joyfully sang his praises with timbrels and instruments of music; then Saul the King was moved to envy and jealousy, and sought occasion to slay him. But Jonathan, the son of the King, full of godly love, made a covenant with David, to be his brother forever; and so great was their friendship and loyalty one to another that, pondering it, we are all moved to cry: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 3

David behaved more wisely than all the servants of the King, and his name grew in the esteem of the people; but the hatred which Saul the King nurtured against him increased, and he sought to slay him with a javelin. Then the righteous youth fled from the King's presence and went to the Holy Prophet Samuel, the high priest of the Lord; and though the King sent many to arrest him, and at length came himself to take him, yet the Spirit of the Lord rendered all of them unable to act. Wherefore, perceiving God's mercy toward those who set their trust in Him, we cry: Rejoice!

Rejoice, when you called upon the Lord, He hearkened to you;

Rejoice, in your affliction He enlarged you!

Rejoice, God had compassion upon you and heard your prayers;

Rejoice, He made wondrous His holy one!

Rejoice, the light of the countenance of the Most High was signed upon you;

Rejoice, He gave gladness to your heart!

Rejoice, the Lord alone made you to dwell in hope;

Rejoice, in peace you laid yourself down and slept!

Rejoice, when you awoke, He helped you;

Rejoice, you sacrificed a sacrifice of righteousness and hoped in the Lord!

Rejoice, the King of Heaven attended to the voice of your supplications;

Rejoice, you worshiped in His Holy Tabernacle, in the fear of Him!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 4

When David fled from Saul the King, who unjustly desired his death, he went to the Tabernacle of the Lord, to the Priest Ahimelech, and asked him for bread for himself and his companions in flight; and the pious priest, seeing his need, gave him all that he had - the hallowed loaves of showbread, which had been sanctified and offered in sacrifice to the Most High - and they ate. This deed our Savior Jesus Christ in latter times recounts, rebuking the hypocritical Pharisees, who had accused Him and His disciples of violating the law of God; for blinded by their malice, they were incapable of singing: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 4

As David hid from Saul, many joined him in the wilderness to share his privations; but when the King learned that Ahimelech the priest and those with him had given David food and a sword, he accused them of treason and commanded his henchman to slay them all, eighty-five in number. But when he heard of this crime, David lamented the slaughter of the innocent ministers of God, and took the son of Ahimelech under his protection to safeguard him. Wherefore, mindful of his reverence for the priests of God and his compassion for the bereaved, we cry: Rejoice!

Rejoice, you in your filial love hid your parents from the wrath of Saul;

Rejoice, you straightway obeyed the divine command which the Prophet Gad delivered to you!

Rejoice, you lamented the death of the priests slain by Saul on your account;

Rejoice, you gave refuge to Abiathar, who survived the slaughter!

Rejoice, the Lord guided you in the ways of His righteousness;

Rejoice, because of your enemies, He made straight your way before Him!

Rejoice, He saved you from those who persecuted you and delivered you;

Rejoice, righteous was your help from God, Who saves all who are upright of heart!

Rejoice, you gave praise to the Lord according to His righteousness;

Rejoice, you ever chanted to the name of the Lord Most High!

Rejoice, you confessed the Lord with your whole heart;

Rejoice, you told of all His wonders!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 5

Learning that David was in the wilderness of En-Gedi, Saul took an army and went forth in pursuit of him. But David and his followers hid themselves from the wrath of the King in a certain cave. Now when Saul entered this very cave, to use it as a privy, the men of David sought to persuade him to slay the King; yet David would not lift his hand against the Lord's anointed, but instead stealthily cut off the back part of Saul's robe, and later, displaying the cloth as proof, declared from afar his innocence of the treason of which the King thought him guilty. Wherefore, marveling at his patience and forbearance, we cry: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Another time, Saul again set out with his army to take David and his men, and they encamped in the wilderness of Ziph. But David, who saw them from afar, waited until all were asleep, and penetrated the guard, and came upon the King asleep, with his spear planted in the ground next to his head. Then David's companion urged him to slay the sleeping King, but David said: "Who can stretch forth his hand against the Lord's anointed, and be guiltless?"; and he took instead Saul's spear and cruse of water, and afterwards cried out from afar that he was guiltless of all enmity towards the King, displaying the spear and cruse as proof. Wherefore, honoring his piety, we cry aloud such things as these:

Rejoice, you were glad and rejoiced in the Lord;

Rejoice, you chanted to the name of the Most High!

Rejoice, you declared all the praises of God in the gates of the daughter of Zion;

Rejoice, you walked blameless and work righteousness, speaking truth in your heart!

Rejoice, you said to the Lord: You are my Lord;

Rejoice, the Lord was the portion of your inheritance and of your cup.

Rejoice, in you and all the saints that are on His earth, has the Lord been wondrous;

Rejoice, He has wrought all His desires in you!

Rejoice, you blessed the Lord Who gave you understanding;

Rejoice, you beheld the Lord ever before you!

Rejoice, God was at your right hand, that you might never be shaken;

Rejoice, your heart was filled with joy and your tongue with gladness!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His praises!

Kontakion 6

In those days, the Philistines again rose up against Israel, and prevailed in battle; and Jonathan, the friend of David, was slain; and Saul the King, filled with despair, fell upon his sword. And the godless infidels conquered and inhabited the cities of Israel. But when David heard of the slaughter from one who escaped, he mourned and wept, and rent his garments, and fasted for Saul and Jonathan, and all the fallen. But the Lord God commanded David to go to the city of Hebron, from where the men of Judah came, and anointed David King. And all cried out to the Almighty: Alleluia

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 6

As David found favor with the Most High, his wisdom and skill increased; but the house of Saul waned in power. Wherefore, David became King over all Judah and Israel, and established Jerusalem, even Zion, as his city, and here he brought the Ark of the Covenant. And so great was his joy and zeal that he danced in ecstasy before the Ark, clad only in a linen cloth, with jubilation and the sound of the trumpet, and offered sacrifice to the Lord in thanksgiving. Wherefore, mindful of his surpassing love for the God of Israel, we cry to him such things as these:

Rejoice, you blessed your people in the name of God;

Rejoice, you offered up burnt offerings before the Lord!

Rejoice, you longed to build a Temple for the Most High;

Rejoice, your throne the Almighty vowed to establish forever!

Rejoice, you conquered all the nations which threatened the people of God;

Rejoice, you destroyed Moab and the Syrians of Damascus!

Rejoice, you subdued Edom and the Ammonites;

Rejoice, the Lord preserved you wherever you went!

Rejoice, you exercised justice and righteousness to all your people;

Rejoice, you loved the Lord with all your strength!

Rejoice, the Lord was your Foundation, your Refuge and your Deliverer;

Rejoice, He led you forth into a spacious place!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 7

After David established his rule throughout Israel, he inquired: "Is there yet any who is left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?" And one who had served in Saul's household said to King David: "Jonathan has yet a son, Mephibosheth, who is lame in his feet." Then, full of joy, the King sent and fetched to his court the son of his sworn brother, and gave over to him all that had belonged to Saul and his house, and provided him with sustenance daily at the royal table, as though he were one of his own sons. And marveling at his generosity and loving-kindness, we cry out to God: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 7

Overcome by lust, David sinned with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, one of his warriors, and she conceived his child; then, to cover his sin, he had the man sent into the forefront of the battle against the Ammonites, where he was slain by the enemy; and David took the widow as his wife. But Nathan, the Prophet of the Most High, rebuked the King by a parable, and mindful of the magnitude of the evil he had wrought in the sight of God, David said: "I have sinned against the Lord", and he repented his iniquity. Wherefore, in thanksgiving for the words of penitence which he has bequeathed to us, we cry:

Rejoice, God had mercy on you, according to His great mercy;

Rejoice, according to the multitude of His Compassions, He blotted out your transgression!

Rejoice, He washed you thoroughly from your iniquity;

Rejoice, He cleansed you from your sin!

Rejoice, the hidden and secret things of the Lord's wisdom, He made manifest to you;

Rejoice, He sprinkled you with hyssop, and you were made clean!

Rejoice, the Most High washed you and you were made whiter than snow;

Rejoice, the Almighty made you to hear joy and gladness!

Rejoice, He turned His face away from your sins;

Rejoice, He blotted out all your iniquities!

Rejoice, God created in you a clean heart and renewed a right spirit within you;

Rejoice, He did not cast you away from His presence, nor did He take His Holy Spirit from you!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 8

When Nathan the Prophet denounced David for his sin, he declared to him the sentence of the Lord, saying: "I will rise up evil against you out of your own house, and the sword shall never depart from you." And the words of the Lord were fulfilled in David's sons, Absalom and Amnon; for the one slew the other and fled, and rose up against his father, to usurp his throne; and David in sadness was compelled to abandon Jerusalem his city. Yet his trust was in the Lord his God, and he did not cease to chant continually: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 8

David departed from Jerusalem, and Absalom, his son, entered the city and the King's palace, and set himself up to rule in his stead; and he dishonored his father's house. And this unworthy son dared also to assemble a mighty army to pursue his father, and there was a great battle, and Joab the general slew the hapless rebel; but David, when he heard this, covered his face, and wept bitterly, saying: "O Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! I would have died for you, O Absalom, my son, my son!" Wherefore, marveling at your paternal love, we cry to you:

Rejoice, you acknowledged the evil which you had done before God; Rejoice, He restored to you the joy of His salvation!

Rejoice, with His governing Spirit, He established you;

Rejoice, you taught transgressors the ways of the Lord!

Rejoice, through your zeal the ungodly turned back to Him;

Rejoice, the Most High delivered you from your blood-guiltiness!

Rejoice, your tongue rejoiced in His righteousness;

Rejoice, He opened your lips, and your mouth declared His praise!

Rejoice, your broken spirit was a sacrifice to God;

Rejoice, your contrite and humbled heart He did not despise!

Rejoice, in His good pleasure, the Lord did good to Zion;

Rejoice, He was pleased with your sacrifice of righteousness, with your oblation and whole-burnt offerings!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 9

When David was full of years, the Philistines again rose up against Israel, and foremost among them were the sons of the giant Goliath, whom the King had slain in his youth. But the armies of the people of God prevailed in battle, and David extolled the Lord of hosts, crying melodiously: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Lifting up his voice in thanksgiving to the Most High, David the King chanted in sweet psalmody, saying: "I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the nations, and I will sing praises to Your name!" And his lips were filled with gratitude for the God of Jacob, Who was for him a tower of salvation, and showed mercy to His anointed, to David and to his seed. Wherefore, grateful also for the Psalms he has bequeathed us, we cry to him:

Rejoice, the Lord delivered you out of the hands of all your enemies;

Rejoice, He is your Rock and your Fortress and your Deliverer!

Rejoice, He is your Shield and the Horn of your Salvation;

Rejoice, He is your High Tower, your Refuge and Savior!

Rejoice, when your enemies came upon you in the day of calamity, the Lord was your stay;

Rejoice, He delivered you because He delighted in you!

Rejoice, He has rewarded you according to your righteousness;

Rejoice, He has recompensed you according to the cleanness of your hands!

Rejoice, you kept the ways of the Lord;

Rejoice, you did not depart from your God!

Rejoice, you were upright before the Most High.

Rejoice, you kept yourself from your iniquity!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 12

Taking up his Psaltery, David the King received inspiration from the All-Holy Spirit, and chanted prophetically concerning the coming of the Messiah, Who is his descendent according to the flesh, His Baptism, His Suffering on the Cross and Death, His Resurrection and Ascension. Wherefore, obedient to His command, we chant with understanding to the Lord Who filled his mouth with praise: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Casting ahead the gaze of his prophetic eyes, the Prophet King declared to God: "Out of the mouths of babes and newborns have You perfected praise", foreseeing the Lord's triumphal entry into Zion; and perceiving from afar the hatred of the Scribes and Sadducees for Him, he said: "The rulers were assembled together, against the Lord." And truly beholding His voluntary sufferings, he prophesied the very words Christ uttered upon the Cross, saying: "My God, why have You forsaken Me? They have parted My garments among themselves, and for My clothing they have cast lots. They have pierced My hands and My feet. They gave Me gall for My food, and for My thirst they gave Me vinegar." Wherefore, full of awe at the divine grace imparted to him, we say:

Rejoice, you cried: "The Lord said to me You are my Son, today I have begotten you";

Rejoice, you exclaimed: "He shall cry to God, you are my Father!";

Rejoice, you said: "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever!"

Rejoice, you declared: "Of old You laid the foundations of the earth!"

Rejoice, you shouted: "The heavens shall perish, but You will remain!";

Rejoice, you have said: "The Lord Ascended with the voice of the trumpet!"

Rejoice, you cried to the Heavens: "Lift up your gates, and the King of Glory shall enter in!";

Rejoice, you declared to the Angels: "The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory!"

Rejoice, you foretold of Christ: “You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek!”

Rejoice, you condemned the Pharisees: “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone!”

Rejoice, for blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!;

Rejoice, you confessed Him among the peoples with instruments and song! Rejoice, the Lord Almighty has comforted you;

Rejoice, out of the depths of the earth He brought you up!

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His Praises!

Kontakion 13 (To be read three times)

Blessed are you, O Holy King and Prophet David, for the All-Holy Spirit, abiding within you, filled your mouth with the praises of the Most High, and by your inspired words teach us how to rightly worship the Consubstantial Trinity! For evening, morning and at noontide, seven times a day, our divine glorification in the services of the church begin, proceed and conclude with your wondrous Psalms. Therefore, following your marvelous works, we all cry out to God: Alleluia!

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

With hymns and psalms let us honor the Holy King David, who of all the sons of Israel was chosen by God to reign over His elect, and through his seed, gave rise in the flesh to the Messiah, our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ; and let us say to him: As you were delivered from Hades by our Redeemer at His Glorious Resurrection, and stand now with boldness before the Throne of His Divine Majesty, teach us to sing to Him a new song, that we may cry to you:

Rejoice, O Holy King and Prophet David, you ancestor of God and singer of His praises!


Tone 1           (for the Forefeast) 


Hearken, O Heaven, and give ear, O Earth!

Behold the Son and Word of the Father

coming forth to be born of a Maiden who has not known man

at the good pleasure of the Father Who begot Him before all ages!

He is conceived by the co-operation of the Holy Spirit;

Bethlehem, make ready; Eden, open thy gates,

for He Who Is comes to be that which He was not,

and He Who formed all creation takes the form of a man,//

granting the world great mercy!


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,

Since you are the treasure-house of our Resurrection,

we put our hope in you, O Holy birth-giver of God.

Lead us out of the pit and the abyss of transgressions,

for you have saved us, who are subject to sin, by giving birth to our Salvation.

Before giving birth you were a virgin, and a virgin while giving birth,//

and after giving birth you still remain a virgin.


now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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